
Be sure to read the prerequisites to encoding.

Encoding is done via the ABIEncoder:

        use fuels::{
            core::{codec::ABIEncoder, traits::Tokenizable},

        struct MyStruct {
            field: u64,

        let instance = MyStruct { field: 101 };
        let _encoded: Vec<u8> = ABIEncoder::default().encode(&[instance.into_token()])?;

There is also a shortcut-macro that can encode multiple types which implement Tokenizable:

        use fuels::{core::codec::calldata, macros::Tokenizable};

        struct MyStruct {
            field: u64,
        let _: Vec<u8> = calldata!(MyStruct { field: 101 }, MyStruct { field: 102 })?;

Configuring the encoder

The encoder can be configured to limit its resource expenditure:

        use fuels::core::codec::ABIEncoder;

        ABIEncoder::new(EncoderConfig {
            max_depth: 5,
            max_tokens: 100,

The default values for the EncoderConfig are:

impl Default for EncoderConfig {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            max_depth: 45,
            max_tokens: 10_000,

Configuring the encoder for contract/script calls

You can also configure the encoder used to encode the arguments of the contract method:

        let _ = contract_instance
            .with_encoder_config(EncoderConfig {
                max_depth: 10,
                max_tokens: 2_000,

The same method is available for script calls.